Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Come on NASA let us know the truth..

A person who I personally admire and I think his Galaxy clock is great is ufologist David Sereda, he feels NASA has not been truth about things in space, and that they doctor their photographs before the public gets to see them. (I have seen footage recorded by a cable company of the live feeds from the 1980's shuttle missions in the film EVIDENCE The Case For NASA UFO's and something is up!)

This well-known Ufologist, take's his message concerning UFOs to many people, but feels that NASA has secrets about UFOs it is keeping from the public, and its time to change this. He has an online petition to try to get him on the shuttle as a passenger on an upcoming flight, and he wants to take along his cutting edge equipment including special cameras sensitive to visible, infrared and UV to search for UFO activity. And then report his findings to the world.

If nasa has nothing to hide why don't they run live broadcasts anymore ? Why do the astronauts go "quite" midway in conversation ? (some say they are talking on an encrypted NSA channel)

Here is a excerpt from his petition.

Dear Chief NASA Administrator Michael Griffin;

Subject: Special Skills application for Astronaut

I, David Sereda, would like to apply to become an astronaut for special reasons. I saw a UFO in Berkeley, CA in 1968 when I was 7 years old. It was saucer shaped, metallic and hovered silently not far from the Berkeley National Lab for over 20 minutes. There were fifty or so witnesses with me. After 20 minutes, the flying saucer went invisible: invisible to the naked eye that is....

...NASA anticipated contact with Extraterrestrials when it first set out to journey into space (See the Space Act and the Brooking study 1958). If contact has been made, and the American public has been deceived, NASA may have made the greatest mistake ever for a public agency....

Please advise me of the application process.


David Sereda

I hope he makes it, maybe the Russians who are more open to UFOs will take him up.

thanks to

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