A few days ago I got my latest parcel from Hace electronics an order I had made for Christmas. Inside were three HACEduino Nano's with an ATmega328 on them, I carefully unpacked the package and got a bit of a surprise, Adrian had upgraded my breadboards as he had said he would, but the boards I got were much bigger then I had expected.
As well as the nano's and breadboards there were three complimentary USB cables to program the Haceduino Nanos's and three protoshields (Ver B) to build a project on to. I have wrapped them all up and placed them under the tree, I did solder one of the protoshields together so the kids can copy it on Christmas day.
I did have a look at one idea I have had about using the protoshield as a mounting board to prototype for the HACEduino nano, so far it looks like the concept is sound now I just have to play with it on christmas day and then I will blog about it and will also have some photos for you.
Have a great festive season.